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824 lines
; PGP Installer script
; $VER: PGP-Installer 0.8 for 2.6ui (26.10.94)
; ***********************************************************
; * Basic PGP v2.6ui Installation
; *
; * Installs PGP, support files, and AmigaGuide documentation
; *
; * by Jacob Ellis <jellis@nah.oau.org>
; *
; *
; * Tries to be smart about where files should go, especially
; * if upgrading from a previous version of PGP.
; *
; * I have tried my best to work around some of the limitations
; * of Installer, which while powerful in some ways, it is extremely
; * limited in others (very annoying!!!). Hopefully you'll think
; * the results are worthwhile.
; *
; *
; * Note: Unlike many Installer scripts, the novice install
; * is truly fully automatic (as per the Installer
; * manual). Don't panic though, it'll make good guesses on
; * where things should go (IMHO). And, as you might expect,
; * expert install truly does require you to confirm
; * EVERY action.
; *
; ***********************************************************
; *
; * Limitations:
; *
; * Required OS 2.04 or better (this isn't a limitation
; * in my opinion!). This is simply because I was too
; * lazy to ask the 1.3 user where they keep ENVARC: (and what
; * a hassle if they don't have an ENVARC:!)
; *
; * Only supports English (but does install the PGP
; * extra language files). Support is in for other languages,
; * but this will require someone to translate the text
; * messages (I have to say I am very disappointed on how
; * well Installer supports other languages).
; *
; * Does not currently install any extras. Installer does
; * not support lists (as far as I can tell), which means
; * each filename must be specified (unless, of course,
; * you just wanted to copy whole directories) individually
; * each time you want to do something with it.
; *
; * Will only install PGP v2.6ui reliably, this script
; * should abort on any other version of PGP. Expert user
; * can override this.
; *
; * The method used to determine if an older version of PGP
; * is being installed is very weak (ie. file date), but
; * better than nothing.
; *
; ***********************************************************
; *
; * General Program Outline:
; *
; * Note: Novice users are not asked anything. Defaults for them
; * are set to the logic outlined below.
; *
; * 1. Check if ENV:PGP exists.
; * A) Yes, get ENV:PGPPATH for directions.
; * Check path for directions to PGP binary.
; * B) No, looks like a new install. Use default settings.
; *
; * 2. Ask user where PGP and support should be installed.
; * A) Look if PGP might exist there.
; * i) Yes, assume an upgrade, use current settings.
; * ii) No, assume new install.
; *
; * 3. Check if AmigaGuide is installed.
; * A) Yes, find most logical place for AmigaGuide files.
; * i) ENV:AmigaGuide/Path
; * ii) Check OS versions
; * a) => OS 2.1 then HELP:@language
; * b) < OS 2.1 then S:
; * iii) Ask for user override
; * B) No, copy AmigaGuide documentation with support files.
; *
; * 4. Check if PGP to install is older than PGP already installed.
; * A) Yes, ask if user wants to abort.
; * B) No, continue install.
; *
; * 5. Upgrading from a previous version?
; * A) Yes, ask if user wants new configuration.
; * i) Yes, install new configuration.
; * ii) Yes, backup old configuration, then install new.
; * B) No, keep old configuration.
; *
; * 6. Install files to selected destinations.
; *
; * 7. New installation?
; * A) Yes, set ENV: and ENVARC: to match installed settings.
; * B) No, leave ENV: and ENVARC: alone.
; *
; * 8. View readme
; * A) OS => 3.0 then use Multiview
; * B) OS < 3.0 then use More
; *
; *
; ***********************************************************
; *
; * History
; *
; * 0.1 Initial version (24.2.94)
; *
; * 0.2 Minor cleanup (25.2.94)
; * + Accidently left some old debug code in
; *
; * 0.3 Minor fix for OS 2.04 users (26.2.94)
; * + Novice OS 2.04 users that added AmigaGuide and
; * did not bother to specify a location for
; * AmigaGuide files would end up with their
; * PGP AmigaGuide files in HELP:(language).
; * This now defaults to S: (same as AmigaGuide) if
; * no other more logical location can be found.
; * + Added history section
; * + Added more comments to obscure sections
; * + Fixed prompt and help messages for AmigaGuide
; * installation.
; * + Added % complete indicators
; *
; * 0.4 Minor fix for ENV: and ENVARC: paths (28.2.94)
; * + ENV: and ENVARC: variables are now forced to use
; * absolute paths. Previously, a relative path could
; * be specified.
; *
; * 0.5 Minor change to account for upgrading users (1.3.94)
; * Major change to account for workbench users
; * + Discovered major problem with the script if run
; * from Workbench. Workbench only gives the
; * Installer the default system path, this consists
; * of Current_dir and C:. This is not acceptable,
; * so the script is now an IconX script that calls
; * Installer. This seems to have solved the problem,
; * but I wish there was a neater way to do this. :(
; * + A user who upgrades from a previous version of PGP
; * and wishes to install PGP in a new location could
; * cause PGP to get confused about what it should do
; * with the old configuration file. PGP-Install now
; * treats a user in this class as a completely new install,
; * rather than as an upgrade (so they get a new Config
; * file in the new location and their old Config is not
; * touched).
; * + Added program outline for those curious about PGP-Install's
; * logic and reasoning. This is really to explain why
; * PGP-Install chooses where things go, and to help
; * you identify what went wrong if PGP-Install should
; * break on your configuration.
; *
; * 0.6 Major fix for AmigaGuide path finding logic (2.3.94)
; * Major change for PGP revision finding code
; * + If your ENV:AmigaGuide/Path variable contains
; * multiple paths or leading spaces (shame on you),
; * PGP-Install can now extract a readable path from
; * that variable.
; * + Installer has trouble understanding PGP's version
; * string, so the method for determining an out of date
; * version of PGP is changed. It is now based on file date
; * and size. Obviously, this could have a lot of problems,
; * but it's better than nothing. :)
; *
; * 0.7 Major change for PGP integrity check (30.5.94)
; * + The check now does MD5SUM checking instead of the
; * older Installer getsum() method. The entire archive
; * is now checked in less than the time it took to check
; * just the PGP binary with the old method.
; * + Updated files for PGP Amiga 2.3a.3
; *
; * 0.8 Major change for PGP installation for PGP Amiga 2.6ui
; * + Updated files for PGP Amiga 2.6ui
; * + Added advanced processor checking
; * + Added better handling of some PGP options
; *
; ***********************************************************
; ***********************************************************
; * Set APPNAME if started directly from shell
; * Note: this is broken!
; ***********************************************************
(set @app-name "PGP 2.6ui")
(set osver (/ (getversion) 65536)) ; get OS version
(if (>= (database "cpu") 68020)
(set advancedcpu TRUE)
(set advancedcpu FALSE)
; ***********************************************************
; * Important file names and stuff to be installed
; * This applies ONLY to 2.6ui
; ***********************************************************
(set newpgpbin000 "bin/PGP")
(set newpgpbinsum000 1812306934)
(set newpgpbinsize000 145792)
(set newpgpbin020 "bin/PGP020")
(set newpgpbinsum020 2060478590)
(set newpgpbinsize020 144444)
; Unforunately, Installer does not seem to be able to deal with
; lists. So each file must be listed individually (yuck!).
; Files used by PGP installation
; bin/PGP
; bin/PGP020
; bin/#?.hlp
; bin/Config.txt
; bin/language.txt
; bin/keys.asc
; doc/PGPNutshell.guide
; doc/PGPDoc1.guide
; doc/PGPDoc2.guide
; contrib/md5sum/md5sum
; Readme.Amiga
; ***********************************************************
; * PGP Config file
; ***********************************************************
(set pgpconfig "Config.txt")
(set newpgpconfig (tackon "bin" pgpconfig))
; ***********************************************************
; * Check to make sure English is the language used here
; * Other languages will hopefully be supported in the future
; ***********************************************************
(if(= @language "english")
; Set up strings for English usage
(set #yes "Yes")
(set #no "No")
(set #already-installed (cat
@app-name " appears to already be installed.\n"
"Do you wish to install anyway?")
(set #already-installed-help (cat
@app-name " appears to already be installed.")
(set #already-installed-abort (cat
@app-name " already installed.\nAborting install.")
(set #old-installed (cat
"You seem to be attempting to install an older"
" version of PGP. Installation of an older"
" version of PGP is not recommended. Do you wish"
" to continue?")
(set #old-installed-help (cat
@app-name " may not be the latest version of PGP. "
" You are strongly adviced to examine this archive"
" and your currently installed version of PGP"
" more closely.")
(set #old-installed-abort (cat
@app-name " may be out of date. Please check your"
" currently installed version of PGP and examine "
" the PGP included in this archive more closely.")
(set #pgp-bin-prompt (cat
"Please choose where to install the " @app-name
" program binary.")
(set #pgp-bin-help (cat
"This is where the " @app-name " binary will"
" be installed. Ideally, it should be somewhere"
" in your shell path.")
(set #pgp-ag-prompt (cat
"Please choose where to install the " @app-name
" AmigaGuide® documentation.")
(set #pgp-ag-help (cat
"This should be where you normally keep your"
" AmigaGuide® help files and documentation.\n\n"
"AmigaGuide® is the Amiga hypertext help system.")
(set #pgp-path-prompt (cat
"Please choose where to install the " @app-name
" configuration and support files.")
(set #pgp-path-help (cat
"This is where files necessary to " @app-name
" will be installed. These files include the"
" configuration file, language files, internal"
" help, as well as the PGP keyrings.\n\n"
"These files do not have to be located in the"
" same place as the binary.")
(set #config-backup-prompt (cat
"Do you wish to overwrite your current PGP configuration"
" with the new one from this archive? (Not"
" recommended.)")
(set #config-backup-help (cat
"In most cases, this is not necessary. The configuration"
" file has changed very little (if at all) from previous"
" versions of PGP.\nI would, however, recommend that you"
" read the the PGP documentation for any information on"
" important configuration file changes.")
(set #config-backup-choices1 (cat
#no ".")
(set #config-backup-choices2 (cat
#yes ".")
(set #config-backup-choices3 (cat
#yes ", but backup my old configuration first!")
(set #working-pgp-bin (cat
"Installing " @app-name " binary.")
(set #working-pgp-etc (cat
"Installing " @app-name " support files.")
(set #working-pgp-etc-help (cat
"Installing " @app-name " help files.")
(set #working-config-backup (cat
"Backing up old configuration.")
(set #working-ag (cat
"Installing " @app-name " AmigaGuide® hypertext"
" help files.")
(set #asksumming-prompt (cat
"Should the data integrity of " @app-name
" be checked before attempting to install?\n\n"
"(This is recommended.)")
(set #asksumming-help (cat
"This will calculate an MD5SUM checksum for the "
@app-name " archive and compare it with known values.\n\n"
"This will take a few moments,"
" depending on the speed of your system.")
(set #pgpsumming (cat
"Checking the integrity of " @app-name "."
"\n\nThis may take a few moments, depending on the"
" speed of your system.")
(set #badpgpmsg (cat
"WARING: This version of " @app-name " is"
" incorrect, damaged, or has been tampered with. Please check the"
" archive and the archive source carefully. If you"
" suspect the archive has been modified please contact"
" Peter Simons <simons@peti.GUN.de> immediately!")
(set #working-env-prompt (cat
"Creating enviroment variable for " @app-name
(set #working-env-help (cat
"This will create the necessary enviroment variables"
" for the proper operation of " @app-name ".")
(set #bad-os (cat
"PGP-Install requires OS 2.04 or newer.\n\n"
"Time to upgrade your system!")
(set #ask-view-prompt (cat
"Do you wish to read the ReadMe.Amiga file for "
@app-name " now?\n\n"
"(This is recommended.)")
(set #ask-view-help (cat
"This will display some important information you should"
" know about " @app-name ". It is a good idea to read"
" this before attempting to use the program.")
(set #working-advancedok (cat
"Install advanced version?")
(set #askadvancedok-prompt (cat
"An advanced processor has been detected. Please confirm the"
" version of " @app-name " that you wish to install.")
(set #askadvancedok-help (cat
"If you have an advanced processor (68020+) installed in your Amiga"
" you will gain performance benefits by installing the advanced"
" version of " @app-name ".\n\nPlease note that Installer may"
" not know about the 68060 processor, you should manually select the 68020+"
" option if you have a 68060.")
; Complain that English wasn't chosen as the language
(abort (cat "At present the PGP-Installer currently only"
" supports English. In the future there will"
" hopefully be more support for other languages."
" My apologies for the inconvenience.\n\n"
"If you would like to help support a version of"
" the PGP-Installer in your language, please"
" contact me (Jacob Ellis <jellis@nah.oau.org>)"
" or Peter Simons <simons@peti.GUN.de> for more"
" information. Thank you!")
) ;endif not-english
; ***********************************************************
; * start installer
; ***********************************************************
(if (< osver 37) ; Make sure OS 2.04 is running
(abort #bad-os) ; abort if not OS 2.04
(welcome) ; start the main installer procedure
(complete 5)
(if (> 2 @user-level) ; ask if expert user wishes to check PGP binary
(set choice 1) ; novice and average get this by default
(set choice (askbool (prompt #asksumming-prompt) (help #asksumming-help) (choices #yes #no) (default 1)))
(complete 10)
(if (= choice 1) ; yes, a check is wanted
(working #pgpsumming)
; (if (<> newpgpbinsum (getsum(newpgpbin))) ; checking
; (abort #badpgpmsg) ; abort if not what was expected
(if (run "contrib/md5sum/md5sum -c Readme.Amiga" (safe))
(abort #badpgpmsg)
(set choice 1)
(if (AND (< 1 @user-level advancedcpu) ; Ask expert if CPU choice is correct
(set choice (askchoice (prompt #askadvancedok-prompt) (help #askadvancedok-help) (choices "68020+" "68000") (default 0))))
(if (= choice 0)
(set newpgpbin newpgpbin020)
(set newpgpbinsum newpgpbinsum020)
(set newpgpbinsize newpgpbinsize020)
(set newpgpbin newpgpbin000)
(set newpgpbinsum newpgpbinsum000)
(set newpgpbinsize newpgpbinsize000)
; ***********************************************************
; * Discover if PGP is already installed.
; * And if so, find where the binary and support files are
; ***********************************************************
(complete 13)
(if (exists "ENV:PGPPATH")
(set pgppath (getenv "PGPPATH"))
(if (run "C:Which PGP NoRes" (safe))
(set pgpbinpath (tackon @default-dest "PGP"))
(run "setenv pgpinstall.tmp `C:Which PGP NoRes`" (safe))
(set pgpbinpath (getenv "pgpinstall.tmp"))
(set pgpbinpath (pathonly pgpbinpath))
(delete "ENV:pgpinstall.tmp" (safe))
(set pgpexists TRUE)
(set pgpexists FALSE)
(set pgpbinpath (tackon @default-dest "PGP"))
(set pgppath (tackon @default-dest "PGP"))
(complete 15)
; ***********************************************************
; * Discover if and where AmigaGuide files are kept
; ***********************************************************
(if (exists "libs:amigaguide.library") ; see if AmigaGuide lib exists
; AmigaGuide exists
(set agexists TRUE)
(if (exists "ENV:AmigaGuide/Path")
( ; AmigaGuide user that read the manual
(set agpath (getenv "AmigaGuide/Path")) ; my personal favorite
; This is a little Installer program that will parse an ENV:
; variable and return the first item in the variable
(set maxn (strlen agpath))
(set n 0)
(set inquote FALSE)
(set agtmp "")
(set afterlead FALSE)
(while (<= n maxn)
(set skipchar FALSE) ; quotes can't be part of the path
; so they must not be copied
(set char (substr agpath n 1)) ; get character
(if (AND (= " " char) (NOT afterlead)) ; skip any leading space
(set skipchar TRUE)
(if (AND (= char "\"") inquote) ; end of quote?
(set n maxn) ; end quote
(set skipchar TRUE) ; skip this char
(if (AND (= char "\"") (NOT inquote)) ; start of quote?
(set inquote TRUE) ; start quote
(set skipchar TRUE) ; skip this char
(if (AND afterlead (AND (NOT inquote) (OR (= char " ") (= char "\0")))) ; check if space or NULL and not in a quote
(set n maxn) ; found end of a path, get out
(if (NOT skipchar)
(set agtmp (cat agtmp char))
(set afterlead TRUE)
(set n (+ n 1))
(set agpath agtmp)
(if (exists (tackon "HELP:" @language))
( ; OS2.1 or later
(set agpath (tackon "HELP:" @language))
( ; OS2.04 (AmigaGuide not included)
(set agpath "S:")
) ;end amigaguide exists
; AmigaGuide does not exist, AmigaGuide files will be placed
; in the default destination
(set agexists FALSE)
(complete 18)
; ***********************************************************
; * Ask where to install various PGP stuff
; ***********************************************************
; make sure user really wants to install PGP binary here
(set pgpbinpath (askdir (prompt #pgp-bin-prompt) (help #pgp-bin-help) (default pgpbinpath) (newpath)))
(complete 20)
; make sure user really wants to install PGP support here
(set pgppath (askdir (prompt #pgp-path-prompt) (help #pgp-path-help) (default pgppath) (newpath)))
(complete 23)
; See if PGP might really be installed even though no ENV: variable
; This is necessary for the config stuff below
(if (exists (tackon pgppath pgpconfig))
(set pgpexists TRUE) ; PGP really does exist at where the
) ; users wants to install
(set pgpexists FALSE) ; PGP does NOT exist where the user
) ; wants to install
; But it might really exist someplace else
(set @default-dest pgppath) ; when in doubt - the default destination
(complete 25)
; Ask where to install AmigaGuide files
(if agexists
( ; make sure user really wants to install PGP AmigaGuide files here
(set agpath (askdir (prompt #pgp-ag-prompt) (help #pgp-ag-help) (default agpath) (newpath)))
( ; User does not have AmigaGuide, but still needs the files for documentation
(set agpath pgppath)
; ***********************************************************
; * Discover if user is trying to install an older PGP
; ***********************************************************
(complete 27)
(if pgpexists
(set oldpgpbin (tackon pgpbinpath "PGP"))
(if (exists oldpgpbin)
(if (= (getsize oldpgpbin) newpgpbinsize)
(if(askbool (prompt #already-installed) (help #already-installed-help) (default 0) (choices #yes #no))
(set donothing TRUE)
(abort #already-installed-abort)
(if (earlier newpgpbin oldpgpbin)
(if(askbool (prompt #old-installed) (help #old-installed-help) (default 0) (choices #yes #no))
(set donothing TRUE)
(abort #old-installed-abort)
; ***********************************************************
; * Install PGP binary
; ***********************************************************
(complete 30)
(copyfiles (prompt #working-pgp-bin) (help (cat #pgp-bin-help "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (source newpgpbin) (dest pgpbinpath) (newname "PGP") (files) (confirm))
; ***********************************************************
; * Install PGP support files
; ***********************************************************
; for novice user, do not install new configuration file unless
; this is a new installation.
; for intermediate or expert, offer to backup old configuration first
(if pgpexists
(complete 35)
(set config-choice (askchoice (prompt #config-backup-prompt) (help #config-backup-help) (choices #config-backup-choices1 #config-backup-choices2 #config-backup-choices3)))
(if (= 2 config-choice)
( ; backup old configuration
(complete 40)
(set sourceconfig (cat (tackon pgppath pgpconfig)))
(set destconfig (cat pgpconfig ".bak"))
(copyfiles (prompt #working-config-backup) (help (cat #working-config-backup "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (source sourceconfig) (dest pgppath) (newname destconfig) (files) (confirm))
(if (< 0 config-choice)
( ; user wnats new Config file
(complete 45)
(copyfiles (prompt #working-pgp-etc) (help (cat #working-pgp-etc "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (source newpgpconfig) (dest pgppath) (files) (confirm))
( ; new installation, so new Config file needed (redundant!)
(complete 40)
(copyfiles (prompt #working-pgp-etc) (help (cat #working-pgp-etc "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (source newpgpconfig) (dest pgppath) (files) (confirm))
; install rest of support files
(complete 45)
(copyfiles (prompt #working-pgp-etc) (help (cat #working-pgp-etc "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (choices "keys.asc" "language.txt") (dest pgppath) (source "bin") (files) (confirm))
(copyfiles (prompt #working-pgp-etc-help) (help (cat #working-pgp-etc-help "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (pattern "#?.hlp") (dest pgppath) (source "bin") (files) (confirm))
; ***********************************************************
; * Install PGP AmigaGuide files
; ***********************************************************
; For non-AmigaGuide system, AmigaGuide files will be copied with
; the rest of the PGP support files.
; For AmigaGuide system, AmigaGuide files will be copied to
; the following (in order):
; 1. User-Specified location
; 2. ENV:AmigaGuide/Path setting
; 3. HELP:(language) where language is the language in use
; 4. S: for OS2.04 systems that added AmigaGuide and haven't
; bothered to set a special place for AmigaGuide files
(complete 75)
(copyfiles (prompt #working-ag) (help (cat #working-ag "\n\n" @copyfiles-help)) (source "doc") (dest agpath) (choices "PGPDoc1.guide" "PGPDoc2.guide" "PGPNutshell.guide") (files) (confirm))
; ***********************************************************
; * Set up ENV: and ENVARC: to point to where PGP was installed
; ***********************************************************
(if (NOT pgpexists) ; Don't do anything if this is an upgrade
( ;set ENV:
(complete 85)
(textfile (prompt #working-env-prompt) (help #working-env-help) (dest "ENV:PGPPATH") (append (expandpath pgppath)) (confirm))
;set ENVARC:
(complete 90)
(textfile (prompt #working-env-prompt) (help #working-env-help) (dest "ENVARC:PGPPATH") (append (expandpath pgppath)) (confirm))
; ***********************************************************
; * Installation basically complete, just show the readme now
; ***********************************************************
; View readme with:
; 2. More if not OS 3.x
; 3. Multiview if OS 3.x
; NOTE: This has problems when run from workbench, which is
; why full paths are given below.
(if (exists "ENV:PAGER")
(set pager (getenv "PAGER"))
(if (< osver 39)
(set pager "SYS:Utilities/More")
(set pager "SYS:Utilities/Multiview")
(complete 95) ; 95% done
(if (> 2 @user-level) ; ask expert if they wish NOT to view the readme
(set choice 1) ; default yes
(set choice (askbool (prompt #ask-view-prompt) (help #ask-view-help) (choices #yes #no) (default 1)))
(if (= choice 1) ; yes, they want to read it
(run (cat pager " ReadMe.Amiga") (safe))
(complete 100) ; 100% done
; The end! Phew!